Whenever I miss a day or two of news, I’m always glad to get back in the radio and newspaper loop. . .Even though often the news that I find myself catching up on is anything but joyful and encouraging. I really do want to be fully human and alive and I know and feel good about what that task actually means, which is, in part, facing the suffering of the world. (As well as working to transform and lift pain and cruelty and also reveling in beauty and fun.) But the news can be a real downer, right? I’m so grateful when news of resistance and love and peace worms its way into my heart and consciousness too.
Now that it’s Thursday, for pity’s sake, I’ve just this morning gotten around to reading last Sunday’s The New York Times. In the November 18, 2007 edition, there appeared a paid open letter from Christian leaders, clergy and scholars. It was titled Loving God and Neighbor Together: A Christian Response to A Common Word Between Us and You and is in response to A Common Word Between Us and You, which was a recent open letter written and signed by 138 Muslim scholar and clerics who represent all major schools of Islamic thought in the world.
(The English website where you can read these texts in their entirety as well as find additional information and endorse the letter yourself is acommonword.com. (You need to click on the link called New Content, in order to find the text of the Christian letter that appeared in The NYT.))
Both of these open letters were totally new to me. Sheesh-- Where have I been? I read this letter with deep interest and genuine pleasure! It’s nice to be able to say that in these trying time, huh? I was especially excited to observe how the Christian response began by offering gratitude and props for the many Muslim efforts towards peaceful coexistence. It’s crucial for dominant culture folks (here, Christians) to be able and willing to recognize and name that they follow the leadership of those whom they have wronged historically and continue to treat unjustly today. Such humility and understanding goes a long way in avoiding the all too common mistake of social change agents with privilege unwittingly re- inscribing the very oppressive dynamics they work so diligently to counter by how they go about their work. This is especially true in terms of how people understand who instigates peace and justice work and who offers the first hand in friendship and solidarity.
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From Malaysia with love
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